Monday, April 22, 2013

"You Don't Fucking Go!"

I've seen the Patton Oswalt Star Wars thing and that was unbelievable, and genius, but this is just deep fried gold wrapped in bacon. Behold:

I knew the guy who played Agent Van Alden would go on to big things!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Hadfield's Great Grandfather

MANHUNT! Boston Police Close City!! A Milliont People Impacted!!! Screaming Featherheads lose 2 Starts!!!!

Javier F
(Fri 4/19 3:54PM) I love the fact that his manhunt is going to cost me TWO FUCKING STARTS and kill any chance I had of winning this week. Unbelievable.
To be fair, it is pretty bad luck when the you have both the pitchers that got bumped.

UPDATE: Thanks to a double-header, TSH did regain one of those starts. 
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